Thirteen Things about Alissa 1. I'm the youngest of 3 kids -- my sister is 11 years older and my brother is 9 years older.
2. I was a "mistake." My parents thought they couldn't have kids so they adopted my siblings. Then.... WHOOPS. Took a while, though, huh?
3. I'm a cat person. And by cat person, I mean not a dog person. Dogs are okay, and can very much fun, especially when they are going home with someone else. But they sure do stink.
4. I have traveled a lot of places (Europe, all around the United States, a little bit in Canada, Western Caribbean), and can think of a million more places I'd like to go (Asia, New Zealand, Australia, Alaska, more in Canada, to my Dad's home town of Frydlant, Czech Republic).
5. I was sort of a military brat. My Dad retired from active duty before I was born, but he took a job as a civilian in Germany when I was in high school, so I went to an American DoDDs school for a year.
6. I was 15 when I got to Germany, and hated everything about it. Looking back, it was one of the greatest opportunities my parents have ever given me and I cherish the memories.
7. I got my BA in Music (vocal performance), but that's not what I do for a living. (And, NO, I will NOT teach.)
8. I work in plastics. Medical injection molding. You know, things like the sheaths that go over needles or blood collection barrels? That sort of stuff. I do regulatory affairs mostly. (Read: paperwork.)
9. I've been married for almost 4 years (holy CRAP, it's been that long?!) to my college sweetheart.
10. Overall, staying married is the 2nd hardest thing I've ever done. Well worth it!
11. When taking into account my entire life, staying sane and alive has been the 1st. I've overcome my demons, and now the marriage thing is up at number one. ("The hardest job you'll ever love?")
12. I like my truth with a touch of sarcasm and/or humor.
13. Hopefully my Thursday 13's will be more interesting than this in the future. We just had to make firsts introductions and all, you know?????
Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. The Schooligan 2. SunshineBlues 3. Paxil Princess 4. Vicky 5.(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)