Thursday Thirteen #3
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2. The word "situations" as used in football commentary by that Buck guy. Way overused. Listen sometime. Now it will bug you too. 3. People who think they're interesting, when really they're not. Like the guy who follows you around trying to tell you a story and almost follows you into the women's bathroom as you try to escape. 4. When women rock climbers say, "I can't do that." Probably one I'm guilty of, but it's come to bug me lately. I mean, have you really tried? Or are you just complaining to hear yourself talk? The more you say you can't do something, the more it will be true. You could just say, "I'm having trouble doing that right now, but maybe I'll get it soon," instead of prematurely throwing in the towel. Or maybe, "I don't want to do that." That at least would be more honest. ***This is applicable anywhere in life, not just rock climbing, by the way. 5. People who think the rules do not apply to them. I work in regulatory affairs and document control for a plastics manufacturer. I constantly struggle to contain myself as program managers or such come to me saying, "Do I really need to do this paperwork/procedure/protocol?" YES. Deal with it. 6. People who blame their inability to lose weight on something other than themselves. Think about it before you get offended, this is actually pretty rare. Most of us say, Well, I wanted to lose weight, but then I had that whole cake, so I know what I did wrong. The annoying people say, I've been trying so hard *scarf* but I just *munch* don't know *remote control clicking* why it's not working! 7. Dropped cell phone calls. Enough said. 8. Tone deaf people who sing loudly with the radio. You know who you are. 9. The stupid logic my husband uses when arguing. I won't even get into this one. It makes me so mad! 10. Webpages that play music when they're loaded. Again, you know who you are! 11. My house. Seriously, construction sucks. 12. Doomsday forwards. All those urban legend and panic stricken emails warning you not to use mulch from New Orleans or old water bottles. Oh, especially when the person forwarding it writes at the beginning, "I don't know if this is true, but you never can be too safe!!!!" Please. 13. When you spend 30 minutes working on the Thursday Thirteen without saving a draft only to have Blogger not accept your post and instead give you a "Performing maintenance for the next 45 minutes blah blah blah" page, and you get so angry and frustrated that you don't even try to post for another 2 weeks. |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Oh god, the musical webpages annoy the ever loving shit out of me too!!! Seriously, I instantly close the window and will never go back. Ever.
#5 is something my wife yells about everyday
I am #8
My best excuse for #6? I gained all this weight from a spider bite.
Love this list. A lot of the same things annoy me.
I have a musical page but if you want to suffer you have to click the button and play it yourself because they annoy me too. :) Also it gives people the choice and it means my blog doesn't take forever to load.
Hey, I fully blame my lack of weight loss on myself. Not an issue here. And as for the light blinkers, DH and I joke, "It's a shame that nice, new Volvo doesn't have blinkers that work. Well, at least they're still covered under warranty."
I've posted my Thursday Thirteen, too. Enjoy! ;)
Yep I stole that from Dr Phil too
A great list! Alot of these annoy me too, including numbers 1, 3, 4, and 13. And number 6 really, really annoys me.
Great list.
Happy TT!
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