This is a lazy Thursday Thirteen. So be it. I have to go back to work!!!!
(Today is actually my wedding anniversary. Next week I may devote a TT to that.)
Happy TT!
The Last Thirteen Movies I Watched 1. A Fistful of Dollars In the last couple of years, I've developed a thing for Clint Eastwood. The young Clint Eastwood, mind you. And since my parents moved to Arizona, I have learned to appreciate the West, especially the old West, and really enjoy stupid little tourist traps like Old Tucson Studios and Tombstone.
2. The Magnificent Seven I was told by my DH that I had to see this one. So I did. Not bad! Didn't know Yul Brenner was a hottie at one time.
3. The Ringer Terrible movie. It had some good one liners, and watching Johnny Knoxville have a healthy conscience was interesting. But the plot had so many holes that I could see right through it.
4. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas This was actually the second time I had seen it, and it was a lot funnier this time around. We watched it in preparation for our trip to Las Vegas in November. It will be my first time!
5. Doctor Zhivago I watched this one without the DH because he didn't want to sit through all 3.5 hours. But I did and it was completely worth it. Fabulous movie.
6. Immortal Beloved The second time I had seen this, but I was only 17 or so the first time and it made a lot more sense now. Having completed a BA in Music and having studied Beethoven, I got a lot more out of the story and the music.
7. Melvin Goes to Dinner Terrible. Very disappointing. The cameos by Jack Black as the Creatress and David Cross were the only saving graces of the movie.
8. House of Sand and Fog Slow moving movie, and not that great, but I'm glad I saw it. I thought it gave an interesting perspective on depression of all things.
9. Dr. Strangelove Another classic, I'm glad I finally watched this. It brings together a whole lot of references.
10. Why We Fight Interesting, brainy, enlightening.
11. It Happened One Night I have a closet obsession with old movies. I enjoyed this one by myself.
12. Amadeus I already knew I hated this movie, but DH hadn't seen it. The only good part is the music.
13. Shaolin Soccer I have another closet obsession with foreign films. Not so much martial arts movies, but they are growing on me. This was a fantastic movie and I highly recommend it to all!!!!!!!!! Very funny. Get the Chinese release of it though, not the American release.
EDIT: PS. Thanks to those people who said I have a great memory! I don't. I forgot that within these I also saw V for Vendetta (liked it! good message, although not the greatest movie of all time. compelling plot.) and Cape Fear (the 1991 version, the second time I'd seen it - fascinating and horrifying movie). Oh well!
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