Thirteen of Alissa's Favorite Places (Note: some pictures are by me, not all.)
1. Hawaii. My first time was Christmas 2005, and my husband and I stayed for 2 weeks, first 9 days on Oahu, then 5 days on Kauai. Not only did I have fun spending time with him, but we experienced some of the most gorgeous sites I've ever seen. There were no dull moments to this trip. We tried surfing, sea kayaking, attended a Luau, experienced the culture, tried the food.... everything. One of the best trips ever. Even if he did lose his wedding ring while we were surfing. I figure if you're going to lose your ring, what better place to do it than Hanalei Bay?

2. Acadia National Park. July 2002, the husband and I visited there for a week. Beautiful weather, awesome wildlife, great people.

3. Zion National Park. June 2005, we camped just outside the park and hiked in the park 3 days. We didn't get to go into the Narrows, which was a shame, but we had a great time nonetheless.

4. England. The first time I visited was 1994 on a church trip. I went again 2 more times, once on exchange from University and again to visit the friends I had made while I was at school. I always have fun in England, and I love the fish and chips. There's nothing like a British pub.

5. Scotland. While I was on exchange, I took a week tour by coach of Scotland. My tour group included 6 Aussies, 1 Kiwi, 2 Canadians, and little old Yankee me. What an awesome partying time we had!!! Oh, and the sites were awesome too. Ben Nevis, Glen Nevis, Steel Falls, Loch Ness, oh everything. Everything was spectacular.
6. Innsbruck. Standing in Innsbruck looking up at the mountains is one of the most fantastic things I'll ever do. I traveled throughout Germany, Austra and some of Switzerland, and while they're all worth mention, the mountains in Austria are what stick with me.

7. Prague. What a dingy, dirty, aweful place. But it was my first time in the eastern block, and the memory will always stick with me. I'm glad I went there, and also to Carlsbaad and Nachod and met my (on and off again) penpal Katka. Oh, and my Dad was born in Czechoslovakia (not to be confused with the Czech Republic) so it's an important place to me.

8. Arizona. My parents retired to Tucson, so while it's not all that big a deal when I go to visit, it's usually quite lovely there, warm, scenic, and they have the Grand Canyon and some of the best lightning storms in the world.

9. Paris. Another really dingy place, and the last time I went I had no money, but it's gorgeous and an interesting mix of old, new, French and non-French. It's a conundrum. My favorite part was going to the top of Notre Dame. And then eating dinner at a Pizza Hut or something. :) (Yes, I ate other places that were more French, this was just a meal of convenience...)

10. Ontario. My husband and I didn't stay very long this past August, and Niagara Falls is rather overrated, but we drove a bit around the countryside and went winetasting. FANTASTIC. I would do that again in a heartbeat and look forward to an opportunity to go to Napa Valley and other vineyard areas!!!!

11. Epcot Center. I guess it's cheesy for my to put this on my list, but we had so much fun there in 2001. It was cultural, imaginative, educational, and the food was fantastic.
12. North Conway, NH. My parents have had a timeshare at Eastern Slope Inn since I was just a little girl, and we would spend a week there every summer. It retains that old New England town feel, even though tourism has clogged it full of Friendly's, McDonald's, big name hotels and outlets. Also, as I've gotten older I've become more interested in rock climbing, and NC is an EXCELLENT place for this!!!!

13. New England. I know I just singled out one place in New England, but it's important to me to give props to the 6 states that make up New England. This part of America has such a rich culture and heritage, and you have to love how dramatic the change in seasons is!!!! No matter where I live, New England will always be home!
